Welcome to the RCPAL

The organisation started, as a Partnership, in 2000 following a request by the Roborough Parish Council for volunteers to look at the opportunities for improving facilities for the people of Roborough.

The RCPAL, which was formed in 2012, had two main aims:

·        The regeneration of Newcombes farmyard to provide a small mixed development of affordable and open market housing.

·        The expansion of the current recreational facilities, which include an improved play area, provision of sports facilities for children and adult community use, parking for the village hall and an area of countryside for public access, including a country walk and bridle path.

The RCPAL is now responsible for the management of the community owned properties and facilities. The organisation hopes to be able to develop future projects on the community owned land as identified and requested by Roborough residents.

Our rules are based on National Housing Federation Model rules for Industrial and Provident Societies. The Association does not trade for profit and any profits are used to provide benefits for the people of Roborough.

Please find more information about our activities on our other pages. 

Tennis Court Info

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